Monday, February 4, 2008

Muscles of the Head and Neck

Muscles of the HEAD and NECK

Muscle Function

1.Occipitalis Backward traction of galea and skin

2. Frontalis Movement of galea and skin

3. Orbicularis Oculi Closing the eye

4. Corrugator Approximation of the eyebrows

5. Compressor Nasi Narrowing of the nostrils

6. Orbicularis Oris Closing the mouth

7. Quadratus Labii Raise upper lip

8. Levator Anguli Oris Raise angle of the mouth

9. Zygomaticus Major Upward traction of angle of mouth

10. Risorius Lateral pulling of angle of mouth

11. Depressor Anguli Oris Downward traction of angle of mouth

12. Depressor Labii Inferioris Downward pulling of lower lip

13. Mentalis Moving the skin of the chin

14. Buccinator Evacuate air from the teeth and cheeks

15. Masseter Upward traction of the lower jaw

16.Temporalis Upward traction of the lower jaw

17. Semispinalis Capitis Backward traction of the head

18. Splenius Capitis Rotation of the head

19. Sternomastoid Contraction flexes the head

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