Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Skeleton

Mark Langeneckert

The Axial skeleton: Protective enclosures for vital organs.

Skull: mandible (lower jaw), maxilla (upper jaw) and cranium.

Spine: 24 vertebrae, 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar,
sacrum & coccyx (fused vertebrae).

Rib Cage: 12 pairs of ribs articulating with thoracic vertebrae.
Sternum and manubrium articulating with the clavicles.

Pelvis: Innominate (Os Coxae)
(upper) Ilium (Iliac crest in front and the iliac spine in back).
(lower) Ishium (pubis symphysis).

The Appendicular skeleton: paired bones acting as levers for power.

Thigh: Femur, great Trochanter.

Lower leg: Tibia (medial), fibula (lateral) and patella, (kneecap).

Foot: Tarsals, Metatarsals and Phlanges: proximal, median, and distal.

Shoulder Girdle: Clavicle (collar bone) and scapula (shoulder blade).

Upper Arm: Humerus.

Forearm: Radius (thumb side) and Ulna (little finger side).

Hand: Carpals, Metacarpals and Phlanges: proximal, median, and distal.

The standard anatomical position is standing upright with palms forward.

Articulation = a connection between bones. Superior = toward the skull.
Medial = toward the midline. Inferior = toward the sole of the foot.
Lateral = away from the midline. Superficial = toward the surface.
Anterior = frontal, palms forward. Deep = beneath the surface.
Posterior = back or rear view. Supine = face or palm up.
Proximal = toward the trunk. Prone = face or palm down.
Distal = away from the trunk.

Movement of joints:
Adduction = moving toward the midline. Flexion = bending to an acute angle.
Abduction = moving away from the midline. Extension = straightening of a limb.

Characteristics of bone:
Condyle: a smooth rounded knob Crest: a ridge or edge
Epicondyle: the raised area near a condyle Eminence: a barely noticable rise
Tubercle: a bulge or bump Fossa: a slight depression
Tuberosity: a large prominent bump Process: a large prominent bump

1 comment:

clinegarza1470 said...

Great Blog ! Please accept my comment.